Sunday, 31 July 2016

Hello world! My name is Bhaswati. I am a third year undergraduate student with major in English literature. Over the past two years I have realized that if you do not make your notes well in advance there is no way you could study four novels, or three plays, or five essays or about ten poems the night before your exams. And being the lazy person that I am making notes in advance never happens and I always end up studying bits and pieces of stuff just enough to sit for an exam. The result: I am learning way less than I ought to. So whenever a teacher asks a question in class, I develop a sudden interest in my nails or the scribbles on the desk while I wait for somebody else to answer the question and save the rest of the ignorant creatures from doom.

I believe now is the time for change. Therefore I have started this blog in an attempt to document all that I study from now onwards along with some of the stuff I already have. I hope it will make studying a bit more fun for me and in the process I might also end up helping other students like me. After all studying literature is not as easy as people think it is.  

Update - I graduated !!! Now I am a post-graduate student.